The VT100 Keyboard

MicroEMACS understands the arrow keys and the keypad on VT100 style keyboards. Only the PF1 through PF4 keys on the keypad have any special meaning; the digits, the - key, and the , key are treated just like the non keypad versions of those characters. The Enter key is treated exactly like the Return key.

The arrow keys may be used for moving around. The left arrow is the same as C-B, the right arrow is the same as C-F, the up arrow is the same as C-P, and the down arrow is the same as C-N.

The four function keys are command keys. The PF1 key is the same as M-X (the PF1 key is where the Gold key normally resides on DEC products, so it is a good choice for the key that asks for extended commands). The PF2 key is the same as C-Q (quote character). The PF3 key is the same as C-S (search forward). The PF4 key is the same as C-R (search reverse). These assignments have not been proven optimal, so they may get changed in the future.